Microsoft office 2013 pro plus net programmability support
Microsoft office 2013 pro plus net programmability support

microsoft office 2013 pro plus net programmability support

Note: The Wikipedia entry correctly assigns Jet 4.0 as the version used by Access 2000, 2002, and 2003, but incorrectly says that Exchange 5.5 used it also. It has since been superseded, however, first by Microsoft Desktop Engine (MSDE), then later by SQL Server 2005 Express Edition and no longer exists as a component of Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC). Microsoft Access, Microsoft Exchange Server and Visual Basic use or have used Jet as their underlying database engine.

microsoft office 2013 pro plus net programmability support

JET stands for Joint Engine Technology, sometimes being referred to as Microsoft JET Engine or simply Jet. Wikipedia's entry for " Microsoft Jet Database Engine" merges the Red and Blue JET flavors (Purple JET?) into a single, generic Jet database: Officials such as Terry Myerson, the general manager of the Exchange Server product group, argue that there is ultimately more value for customers by staying on the Jet engine in Exchange 2007, the second, public beta of which is expected to ship as early as late July, with the final product likely in late 2006 or early 2007. While Exchange 2007, the upcoming e-mail, calendaring and messaging server from Microsoft, is still based on the Extensible Storage Engine, a derivative of the Jet database store, the company says it remains committed to unifying this with the SQL Server database store going forward. For example, Peter Galli's JeWeek article, " Exchange Data Store Change Still in the Cards," starts with a lead that refers to generic Jet: One of the motivators for Exchange's adoption of SQL Server for its message store is the belief of many IT executives and even Exchange administrators that the ESE uses the same technology as Access's Jet database engine. After all, SQL Server 2005 stole the show from Microsoft's rather dismal fourth quarter earnings report as the "Server and Tools delivered 18% revenue growth for the quarter, fueled by an increase of over 35% revenue growth for SQL Server." It's undoubtedly safe to say that the majority of Microsoft Exchange administrators, developers, ISVs, and possibly even users are disappointed that the forthcoming Exchange Server 2007 didn't migrate its message store from the Blue JET Extensible Storage Engine (ESE) to SQL Server 2005.

Microsoft office 2013 pro plus net programmability support